Tuesday, April 9, 2019



Monday, August 6, 2018

Hazards and Promises

Our world is full of extreme hazard right now, and also extreme promises. 
Blockchains promise to democratize contracts, to distribute trust and agreement.
Mobile gives every person a portable communication and intelligence device.

Yet the world is in the most dangerous collective position it's ever been.  Humans are exposing via media, and computer communications, their darkest, most ignorant and destructive emotional sides.  Also the side of hiding, turning away, ignoring the reality and dangers of climate change, for now.

So onward we go...

Monday, October 23, 2017

Elaine Marshall Toscano

Elaine Kautz Marshall Toscano
Ms. Toscano, born Elaine Kautz in 1924,  grew up in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and East Orange, N.J.  She was the daughter of Edwin Kautz, a pacifist Southern Baptist Minister and theological professor.  She moved to Princeton with three young sons and a daughter, to live in a more accepting social environment for raising her children and where her mentally retarded daughter could best thrive.  As a housewife to Donald Marshall who worked at Western Electric on Carter Road in Princeton,  she wanted to work, have her own bank account and car.  She asked Dr. Phil McPherson, then schools superintendent in the Township, for a school position as a teacher so she could achieve more independence than a housewife had,  at a time when many husbands would not allow those liberties to their wives, in the early to mid 1960's.  She taught Kindergarten at Riverside School with Mrs. Rounds and later Community Park School under the principal Dr. Biringer,  teaching with Mr. Ishibashi.  She was a great friend to prominent Princeton women, Doris Decker, and Bani Shorter.  She was proud to work summers in the Head Start program in Trenton, and at Princeton Schools in the Pre-K program.  She taught for two decades and married a science teacher at Princeton High School,  John Toscano, of Cranbury, N.J. enjoying many years living with him at his Flower Farm.  She is survived by two sons, and five grandchildren.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The grinding wheel of life.  Feeling guilt; the guilt trip.  The protective coccoon.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Thinking about the ability of people to be sympathetic to another's difficulties.  There are people who react differently either that they have all the problems and they cannot sympathize with another, or perhaps they are religious and take the 'god is punishing you' position, or perhaps that we have to 'heal' with our healing touch etc.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

One thing (m.) and the kids don't get to know, and the kids will need to know: Grannie is 92 and bed ridden for a long time; caring and knowing her, how to feed her, clean, her moods and sleep patterns, going to the bathroom, etc. (now hospice care. An article about hospice care in the New Yorker Magazine July 11 & 18). Because (m.) has not seen this type of parent/relative death and participated in it (her parents died relatively quickly) the kids will need this experience because their own parents will go through it, likely ((m.) and myself for example).
started 'toddmarjournal.blogspot.com'